
  • Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Islamic Education

    Arabic has a very high position, so the demand to study and discuss it continues to increase; because the relationship (Arabic) is close to the miracles of the Qur'an, which makes it (Arabic) very special, clear, perfect and strong influence. And it does not belong to another language. 

    Arabic in the modern era is still capable of becoming the language of science and new discoveries and bringing the relationship between state and nation. Arabic become the leading language among other languages used in this era; so as to make a lot of students and scholars are very interested to learn it. Therefore ease of learning, the development of method and the media of learning should be considered carefully by educational institutions in various programs and research.

    Therefore, Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University of Turkey, in collaboration with ITTISHAL Indonesia, held a conference on "The Challenges of Arabic Teaching and Learning for Non Native Speakers - The Experiences in Turkey, Indonesia, and other countries"

    Conference time: September 20th - 22nd, 2018

  • Proceeding of 1st International Conference on Islamic Education

    1st International Conference on Islamic Education aimed to explore ideas and solutions to international Islamic education issues, such as (1) quality improvement of Islamic education management by technology reinforcement, (2) teaching and learning, (3) educational measurement and evaluation, (4) curriculum, (5) research and development, (6) child protection in education, (7) the role of the family in Islamic education, (8) the implementation of Islam values through Islamic education, (9) teacher's quality improvement.

    "The Improvement of Education Quality and Learning Process to Face the Recent Challenges", was held in The Sunan Hotel, Surakarta, Indonesia, on October 10th - 12th, 2016