Committess Team Building Through Super Outbound

To build solid and tough committee teamwork towards the conduction of the International Conference on Islamic Education this coming October, ITTISHAL (International Islamic Schools Alliances), as the event holder, carried out Super Team Outbound in Tawangmangu, a hillside of Lawu Mountain in Central Java, from Thursday to Friday (21 – 22 January 2016). Operated by[…]

ITTISHAL Representative Met With The Rector Of Sebelas Maret University (UNS)

To socialize and firm the preparation of the international conference agenda, on Monday, 8 December 2015 at 10.00 to 12.00 the representatives of ITTISHAL consisted of its President, Hj. Eny Rahma Zaenah, MM, and her staffs; Dr. Sutanto Sastraredja, S.Si, DEA, Anggoro Wulansari, S.Sos, H. Arkanuddin Budiyanto, ST, M.Ikom, and Drs. H. Hasto Daryanto, M.Pd,[…]

The ITTISHAL delegation looks for Support and Suggestion from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Today, Tuesday, 8 December 2015, 2 ITTISHAL, as well as International Conference Committee, representatives meet with the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, Dr. Muh. Fachir Abdurrahman, in his office in Pejambon Menteng Jakarta Street.  The Vice President of ITTISHAL, Mr Uripto M Yunus, and his staff, Bambang Arif Rahman, explain to the Vice[…]

ITTISHAL Team Visited Rector of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta

To give a strong basic of the  monumental ITTISHAL plan next year, that is international conference, on Saturday, 12 December 2015, ITTISHAL’s prominent persons met with Professor Bambang Setiaji, the Rector of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (UMS), in his office. In front of the team, they were Hj. Eny Rahma Zaenah, SE, MM, Drs. H. Uripto[…]

Support And Endorsement From Prof. Dr. Hj. Aliyah Rasyid Baswedan, M.Pd

Continuing the series of meeting with the prominent national scholars to look for their support and endorsement on the international conference agenda, the leaders of ITTISHAL visited Prof. Dr. Hj. Aliyah Rasyid Baswedan, M.Pd this morning, Thursday, 10 December 2015 in Jogjakarta.  Led by its Director, Hj. Eny Rahma Zaenah, MM, the ITTISHAL delegation, they were[…]